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Jun 6, 2011

First late night of the season

Tonight was Yaacov's first late night of this season. Its 10:45 and he is on his way from Tel Aviv. Of course its on a day im completely wiped out but hey Murphy's law. Anyway I could have chilled out but I decided to be in GO mode since Ez has off from Gan and Yac is going to be doing his own thing tomorrow. I made a fancy diner ( before I knew Yac was going to be late) cheese cake, quiche and oatmeal cookies and cleaned the bottom floor of the house! Yay! I just put my legs up for the first time and it feel great. The only problem is I wont always have to make shavout and I no longer can stream from netflicks ( it knows im in Israel :( ! ) Anyway things are great here and moving along. I picked up the keys to the apartment today which was very special and felt surprisingly  heavy. I had only seen the apartment once so it was important to get another look. When I first saw it I thought there was no way I would be able to have the apartment so I did not even study it so hard. Its funny what you noticed, it leads me to wonder about human nature. It seemed huge when I first saw it and today it looked comfortable and things that I thought were not a big deal jumped up at me this time. I wonder if when you want something but dont have it you see it in a idealistic way but when you get it your all the sudden objective. Regardless of those details im really excited about having my own space!

I hope everyone has an amazing shavout!

Cheryl Jacob