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Sep 1, 2011
Re: The new dig
So im back in Israel! Thank G-d Yaacov is awesome and the apartment is a dream. Im making progress with the unpacking and we even already have had three guests sleep over!
We are out almost everyday and enjoying our mirpesset. We bought a small pool with a slide and Ez loves it! Its so cute to watch him frolic and it really makes me happy. I left America with a suitcase full (actually not exaggerating) of art supplies. I have been setting him up with an "art experience" everyday and its soooo much fun. Yes I am living a bit vicariously.
So the bad news...we have no internet and my phone is sorta broken. This means I have almost no contact with people electronically :( Its also interesting to see how relaxing it is to surf the net and how nice it is to have an encyclopedia always available, not to mention skyping.) I have been working very hard to keep this place nice and do it justice but it is also never ending as im sure most people feel. Anyway, Ez is having his first day at gan tomorrow and I will be preparing for shabbat! I am excited to see what this school year will bring for us as a family because I feel like this is the beginning of us FINALLY settling in.
Miss you all and good Shabbat!