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May 30, 2011

Re: Back To The Drawing Board

I feel as though im surrounded by working Ema's. I really have mixed feelings about what I should do. I dont have a masters and feel like in Israel its even harder to get the type of job I want. Thats not even starting with the idea that i feel like I am usually swamped with housework and childcare. I joined a mommy and me at the park and all 8 woman worked or went to school part time. It was truly impressive how they made there lives work. I felt unambitious and unsettled. I know I am not going crazy yet at home and I am very much enjoying the time at home with both boys but I just wonder if I am missing something. Maybe a great hobby? I know i am a feminist (and maybe falling for peer pressure...) but we will see. Truth be told my next long term goal is ulpan. Step by step right? Its funny, I ran into my madricha from Seminary and she asked what I was doing and I told her I was at home, she continued to tell me to have my career now because no one will higher me when I have been out of the workforce for a long time. Do you think that is true?

May 26, 2011

Deal of the Century

Hotel Jacob is now open.

For a limited time (anytime in next two years) you and ___________ can stay for free 5 minutes away from Emek Rifaim!!! We thank G-d just signed a lease for a three bedroom apartment! It's really nice and has a huge merpesset (balcony)J. We are moving in July and are moving our stuff in next week. I can't believe we are really residents of Jerusalem! I also can't believe we did it, finding a place, using an agent, negotiating a lease, and the pressure of signing one in a different country. But now I get to move onto the next challenge, finding appliances, a gan, and getting us all temporary passports. There is rarely a breather. I really enjoyed living rent free in yemin moshe but I am excited to finally feel at home.


On a different note, I have yac's work phone and for some reason I get phone calls for Dona and for Yoni ALL THE TIME! At first I was confused, then helpful now I'm pretty annoyed. I get asked to take a message, give them there new number and one time Yoni even called and asked me who called for him and in the future to give them his new number (for real) I said no! It's so weird, in all my years of having a phone I never had this problem, it seems like it should happen more frequently but anyway, how weird is that.

Shabbat Shalom all!!! 

May 22, 2011

Back To The Drawing Board

Good news and bad news. Ill start with the good news: We got out first new friend Shabbat invite!!! Unfortunately we had to cancel because both boys have intense runny noses and I did not think that would be a good first impression for the family with a young child. Also I met up with another mother with a young child at a park and it was really nice! So hopefully I can really try to build friendships (it feels so off to have to start from scratch.)

Anyway so on Thursday I went to drop Ez off at Gan and both Ganenets were outside (one working on gardening, the other cleaning the sand), this was bad enough but then after she escorted me and Ez inside she went back outside and left the 6 kids alone with me with the door to her house open. I stayed about 5 minutes until she came back and was a bit perturbed by the whole situation. Not only is this unsafe but I am paying her a handsome fee to watch my son.

I spoke to my mom about it afterwards and she freaked out, rightfully so, but this led me to feel really uncomfortable sending him there for the rest of the year and now I need to find a new gan. So I posted to some advice sights but I am nervous it's too late to get him in anywhere. Do you think im overreacting?

By the way did everyone catch Netanyahu's response to Obama? It's AWESOME!!!!

Happy Lag Ba Omer!!

May 19, 2011

T.V. Thinking

So I have been watching Modern Family, so many people ( Es, I think u were the first)had recommended it but it did not sound to good so we held off for a long time. Its sooo funny, I laugh out load a ton and really like that its short episodes so you don't loose to much time watching. It has gotten me thinking a ton about the idea of a starter wife. It seems so unfair that women have a wonderful struggle to raise children, struggle in the beginning of when they both start working only to get divorced later and replaced by a younger wife who gets a finished product of a man and a family. I mean this really does not sound fair.
Anyway that's just what was going on in my mind from watching the show a bit. Things here are good, my current issue is how long should I stay in America when Yac will be back here. He is coming out for the first week and then flying back to Israel. I was originally going to stay an extra two weeks but we now have an option of me staying longer with the kids.
1) there is no Gan so Ez and Osh would be with me all day
2) super hot in Israel in the summer
3) Yac will be in tax session again and wont be home till 11:30 most nights
4) I can chill with judith and friends and family
I will be away from Yac, so how long should I stay for...3 weeks, 4 weeks or even five weeks. He wants me to stay for five weeks but I really feel uncomfortable with how that sounds. I know he will be really busy...
Anyway that's one current question.
We are in the middle of negotiations for an apartment, YAY, but this part is super scary because its so hard to take on the responsibility that it entails. With Hashems help it will work out for the best.
Last update is I got together with a new friend, she s really nice and she did not stand me up! ( that has happen a ton lately) we are trying to make a mommy play group, I hope it will work.
Shabbat Shallom!

Cheryl Jacob

May 15, 2011

Am I Doing Enough?

Tonight is the last night we are having company since before pesach. Its been crazy but surprisingly wonderful. Its really great getting to know my family better and appreciate how much they want us to be ok here. Each family that visits has tried to give advice, offer support and tell us we should feel comfortable in the house. Although it is hard to have a full  house I also have company throughout the long days.

 I try to stay out the whole time Ez is in Gan and then we are in the rest of the day.I try to see different areas close by and not spend to much extra money. Ez always takes a nap and me and the baby try to get things accomplished. Most times I don't have a second to breath but others I have to much free time and I feel like I am not doing enough. I feel like I am not pulling my weight and I should get a job. But I know it does not really make sense. Its funny how much society can brainwash you without your consent. I am watching two active kids and taking care of a home and making food and shopping ect but I feel like that's not enough.

 Anyway we are still apartment less but we are getting closer. Our shipment is coming this week :) more news to come.

P.S.  I think I am finally sick of all the fun cheese, Cinnamon and chocolate danishes.... this is a REALLY good thing!!!!

Enjoy your day!!!

May 9, 2011

Israeli Holidays

So today is Yom Hazicaron which thank G-d for me means that Yaacov is home and we are not mourning the loss of anyone we know well first hand. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Yom  Ha’atzmaut as Israeli’s for the first time. I hope that we will be going to the zoo followed by a picnic at the neighbors that are like family to the Jacob clan. Its very interesting how Mothers day just passed and is not celebrated because it is only an American Hallmark holiday. So I found myself calling many mothers I care for and wishing them well and not so much celebrating it as a mother here because it was just a normal day. This is really interesting for me because only one day later we have new Israeli holidays that I do not feel so connected to. We don’t really know what to do with our free time (mandatory off days for Yaacov) especially because later when we go to America for part of the summer we will be taking non paid vacation days. I hope for myself that in the coming years I feel more emotionally ready, proud and positive about the new holidays that are respected and observed here.

On a different note, Ezri is two!!! He really is such a big guy. He definitely has an opinion and tons of pride as a person. He is truly loving and I enjoy watching him grow. Bering a mom is such an evolving role, you deal with one meada (trait) only to jump to the next and you don’t see the results in a timely enough period to know if you are doing whats best. He is at the stage where he whining and crying over everything. ( I apparently also cried over most things as a young kid.) We yet again are celebrating his Hebrew birthday instead of his English birthday. Witch is on May 17, we will have cake and sing at gan and then do a family thing on Shabbat for sudat shlishet at the park.

We are trying to pick between two apartments and with G-ds help we will pick by the end of the week. Hashem should continue to give us direction to make a smart decision.

May 5, 2011

The apartment Saga continues...

So I have looked at yet another two bedroom super expensive apartment. This one was in a complex with a huge courtyard and the building had an elevator. I liked it in theory but it had no air conditioning at there were hidden maintenance fees which made it even more expensive then it was listed for. Also for those who don’t know ( why would you?) in Israel you pay a renters tax on the apartment based on how big it is. So this one was a no go but tomorrow I have an appointment to see another two bedroom (I totally want a three bedroom…) but it’s a great price on the sixth floor, with an elevator and it’s in a good location. I know that on Shabbat this will be a problem but whatever. I am also still am a bit interested in  a three bedroom, super fancy, ground floor apartment that is expensive but not outlandish and we would not have to move for a long time because its three rooms but...its so expensive so we have not agreed to it but I  hope we are making the right choice to let it go. I sort of hope it gets taken soon so I dont have to keep thinking about it. Its so hard to know what the next move should be because hashem is not always so point blank. Food for thought....

Funny short story, so I sometimes nurse Osher with the covering when Ezri is around but other times I just don’t care enough to cover up. Needless to say he has some idea of whats going on. Well  a few days ago he sat down on the sofa next to Osher and I, put the nursing cover on top of him and put teddy on his lap. He then looked over at me to make sure he had it right and then continued to lift up his shirt on one side… Super Special…..

So on the friend front, I went to the nefesh be’nefesh Mommy and me event. This was for any Olim who had a baby within the last year. Anyway I channeled all my inner outgoing-ness and went over to almost everyone to strike up a conversation. It went really well and I now ble’ayin’hara will have a group of 4 women who are going to try to meet up once a week for a play group in the area!!! I really hope it happens. I also picked up flyer on a mommy and me exercise group but you need a stroller( I only have a heavy double and one that does not lean back for Ezri) and truth be told I do a ton of exercise each day so to pay someone to instruct us how to walk with the stroller might not be necessary. I am going to see if the playgroup actually happens before looking into the exercise group.

I’ll keep you updated on the apartment search! Lots of love!!! Shabbat Shallom!

May 2, 2011

here goes nothing

So Dee and Jess have finally convinced me to blog. This is just an experiment and if it goes well I will try to continue. I hope this will enable me to feel connected to everyone back in America and vise versa. I just added a new album to facebook with cute pics and in the future I will try to add some here too. I dont think Im the worlds best writer and as you all know im not the best speller so please bear with me. Thinking of you all and cant wait to share my everyday escapades around Yerusalayim.