So I have looked at yet another two bedroom super expensive apartment. This one was in a complex with a huge courtyard and the building had an elevator. I liked it in theory but it had no air conditioning at there were hidden maintenance fees which made it even more expensive then it was listed for. Also for those who don’t know ( why would you?) in Israel you pay a renters tax on the apartment based on how big it is. So this one was a no go but tomorrow I have an appointment to see another two bedroom (I totally want a three bedroom…) but it’s a great price on the sixth floor, with an elevator and it’s in a good location. I know that on Shabbat this will be a problem but whatever. I am also still am a bit interested in a three bedroom, super fancy, ground floor apartment that is expensive but not outlandish and we would not have to move for a long time because its three rooms but...its so expensive so we have not agreed to it but I hope we are making the right choice to let it go. I sort of hope it gets taken soon so I dont have to keep thinking about it. Its so hard to know what the next move should be because hashem is not always so point blank. Food for thought....
Funny short story, so I sometimes nurse Osher with the covering when Ezri is around but other times I just don’t care enough to cover up. Needless to say he has some idea of whats going on. Well a few days ago he sat down on the sofa next to Osher and I, put the nursing cover on top of him and put teddy on his lap. He then looked over at me to make sure he had it right and then continued to lift up his shirt on one side… Super Special…..
So on the friend front, I went to the nefesh be’nefesh Mommy and me event. This was for any Olim who had a baby within the last year. Anyway I channeled all my inner outgoing-ness and went over to almost everyone to strike up a conversation. It went really well and I now ble’ayin’hara will have a group of 4 women who are going to try to meet up once a week for a play group in the area!!! I really hope it happens. I also picked up flyer on a mommy and me exercise group but you need a stroller( I only have a heavy double and one that does not lean back for Ezri) and truth be told I do a ton of exercise each day so to pay someone to instruct us how to walk with the stroller might not be necessary. I am going to see if the playgroup actually happens before looking into the exercise group.
I’ll keep you updated on the apartment search! Lots of love!!! Shabbat Shallom!
Hashem will help you find an apartment that is apropriate for you guys. I am so proud of you that you went to the mommmy and me group. Just a little effort can supply many fruit. I hope the group works out. About ezri breastfeeding , that is hysterical. Keep em coming!
ReplyDeleteAlso if you want to track how many people come to your site, I can help you set up a free tracker, just let me know.
That's great that nefesh b'nefesh has social events. That's one of my worries about making aliyah, being far away from friends. But it is great that you are getting out there and trying to meet people. I am curious to see how it goes.
ReplyDeleteHey Dee, I think it would be fun to get a blog counter...let me know.